Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year

12/31/09 For me as a pastor, there is a lot that happens in the church at the end of a calendar year. We had 4 services on Christmas Eve, of which I only preached at 3. I am getting older and wiser, so I let my associate lead the 11 p.m. service. We have lots of reports and financial matters to wrap up at the end of the year. I have a great staff that I can trust most of these business matters to. For me as a person, the end of the year also carries a lot of meaning. Cathy and I have our wedding anniversary on Dec. 30 (can you tell when is the best time for a teacher and a preacher to get married? Over the holidays!). We always try to take off some time at the end of the year. We went out to Big Bend where there are no cell phone towers and no Wifi. We had beautiful weather and wonderful hikes. On our first hike we saw some Auodad sheep. Cathy logged some 70 birds on our trip. I gave over the Sunday service to my intern pastor. I am learning some things as I get older. Over the last 2 days I have made some hospital calls and phone calls. I have also caught up with staff. Tonight, Cathy and I have a very sedate dinner party with some other pastors and their spouses. We will probably be in bed by nine. I wish you and yours a very happy new year.


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