Wednesday, March 23, 2011

a blast from the past

3/23/11 Yesterday in the early afternoon, our secretary said that there was a couple who wanted to see me, and would it be ok if they came in. Yes, I replied. It turned out to be a couple whose marriage I had performed almost exactly 29 years ago. I actually remembered them because their wedding took place on a Wednesday afternoon, 5 p.m., with only 8 people in attendance. They told me that they had spent less than $500 on everything associated with the ceremony. They were pretty poor, just starting out.

Now 29 years later, they have had 3 children. They are active in their local UM church, just down the street from their home in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. They have good jobs and a nice house. They were taking time off between jobs to return to Austin to visit some of their former haunts. They went to the church here in Austin where I performed their marriage, and the people at St. John's said that I was in the Austin area.

They came to see me, and I am glad that they did. They cried at God's providing for them over all these years. I cried at God's reminding me of why I am in ministry.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it a blessing to receive random affirmations of our life choices, especially when they come in the form of the realization of how much we have blessed the life of another? Thank you for sharing.
    Love from Kati
