Monday, May 6, 2013

Stpehen Ministers

from my message on May 5,2013, from Acts 6:1-7

You didn't hire me as the senior pastor to do all of the ministry for you.  At least I hope that is the case!  We will never be able to hire enough staff to get all of the ministry done.

It is not biblical to hire others to do ministry for us.  Read the letters of Paul in the New Testament.  I Cor.12 says, Y'all, literally, you plural, are the body of Christ and individually members of it.  Rom. 12 says that we who are many are one body in Chirst, having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.  Eph. 4 says that we have gifts to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.

Martin Luther said in the Protestant Reformation, "The priesthood of all believers."  Every member of the church is a minister.  Our United Methodist Book of Discipline talks about the ministry of all Christians, that different gifs and ministries are given to all persons.

You know this.  You practice this.  This past weekend, we put on the Gospel Accordin' to Texas, where some 1200 folks came to our church for 4 performances.  You were actors, dancers, musicians, lighting persons, tickets takers, ushers, refreshment providers, golf cart drivers, and hosts.  This past weekend we had ReThink Church where we went out into the world on several service projects.  You were card writers (to over 87 persons in nursing homes, in the hospital, in the military, etc.), hygiene kit packers for Mobilie Loaves and Fishes, handbell ringers for the Methodist retirement home in Georgetown, distributor of clothes to the homeless at church under the bridge, sidewalk art stencilers at Linder Elementary, community garden developers at Parker Lane UMC, and Queen Lola shed builders and lunch providers.

I will hush up and let you watch the video (go to our website,, and go to the YouTube icon at the bottom of the home page where you will find the 2 and 1/2 minute video).

That's what you all did last weekend as ministers of the Gospel.  Every Christian is called to ministry.  Not every one is called to ordained ministry.  May I tell you a funny story?  My dentist, Tony, is a member of this church.  A few weeks ago he asked me before service if I had any resources on performing marriages.  Yes, I said. Why, I asked.  He told me that he had been asked to perform a marriage. He had gone on-line and gotten a certificate that allowed him to do that.  He said that he could have gotten it done for $12.95, but that he got the deluxe package for $19.95, which included his certificate in a frame.  I was kidding around with him.  I said, You mean that my 3 years of seminary, 78 graduate hours, 1000's of pages of reading and writing, 1000's of dollars, not to mention interviews with the board of ordained ministry could all be gotten for $12.95?  I had to further kid him.  I asked, Could I become a dentist for $12.95?  If so, could I work on his teeth?!

You don't have to go online to become a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You don't have to purchase it.  He has already called you to this task.  He is already equipping you for it.  You can get training for you calling here at church.  Consider that worship, prayer, Bible study, and other classes are the training regimen for you to become Christ's minister.  We are partaking of Christ body today in Holy Communion.  We receive his body in order to become His body, the Body of Christ out in the world.

Every follower of Christ is called to ministry.  Not all are called to ordained ministry.  Not all are called to Stephen ministry.  We are consecrating 4 new Stephen ministers today.  They have had training.  They have read 3 books, had more than 50 hours of classes in listening and loving. They will continue to undergo supervision 2/month as they grow in skills.  They will be assigned just one care receiver, male to male, female to female.  I have been the only one making these assignments.  It is a confidential relationship.  It will be a life changing relationship.

I was reading a book on stewardship this past week.  A book on generosity, on giving, and on gratitude had a story about the power of Stephen ministry.  In Not Your Parents' Offering Plate by J.Clif Christopher had the following story on page 19.  Clif was helping a church with a major capital campaign, and so was visiting a potential lead giver.  The man said, I plan to give and to give substantially to the church, because the church saved my life.  About 2 years ago my wife suddenly left me.  I had no clue we were even having problems.  We had two small children, and I was just devasted.  I went to a church I had never been to before and jsut sat in the back.  One Sunday I got up enough courage to check in the register that I wanted someone to call me.  The very next day the senior pastor did and I shared with him my pain and also that I was not a member of the church.  He did not seem to mind where my membership was, but he sure was concerned for my well-being.  He offered to connect me with one of their Stephen ministers (lay care team).  That person saved my life.  He came to me adn right off shared how a similar thing had happened to him.  Over the next few weeks he helped me find hope again and to realize that though my wife had left me and my life had just changed dramatically, God had never left me and he had a wonderful plan for the rest of my life.

We are in the life changing business.  We are ministers to bring hope and healing to others.  It goes all the way back to Acts.  Remember the 12 disciples, had a replacement player, but still couldn't take care of all the needs of the people.  The Greek speakers especially felt left out.  So the 12 set an additional 7 men aside,  Please note that all 7 had Greek names.  They were trying to meet people where they were.  The first one appointed to help was named Stephen.  They were supposed to wait on tables, but very quickly they began to preach the Gospel.  We meet people where they are with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Not all of you are called to ordained ministry.  Not all of you are called to Stephen ministry.  Some of you may be called to become Stephen ministers.  We would be happy to visit with you about that.  Some of you may be in need of having a Stephen minister walk and talk with you.  Let  me know. 

We will never be able to hire all of the staff needed to do all of the minstry here.  Thank God, we don't have to. You have been called to ministry and  equipped by the Holy Spirit.  That's the good news I have to share.

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