Monday, March 3, 2014

just imagine: greater things

from my message on March 2, 2014, from John 14:12-14

Great things are still to be done.

Jesus said, "Those who believe in  me will do the works that I do, and greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

What did Jesus do?  He healed....not just bodies, but minds, spirits, relationships, memories.  He fed people, sometimes with bread and fish, and sometimes with his words.  He forgave people, and gave them another chance.  He even raised the dead.

So do we.  We are called to do even greater works.  I have been preaching 36 years now.  I remember preaching on this passage decades ago when AIDS first came out.  I said that I could envision the day when we would find a cure for AIDS.  I open up my newspaper this very morning, and there is an article about a vaccine for AIDS in clinical trials.  Not just medicines, but therapies, treatments, procedures.  Not just physical healing but counseling, listening, praying, recovery programs.  We buy mosquito nets, and have food pantries, and support groups, and housing efforts.

We are doing greater things than even Jesus.  One, we have the multiplier effect of so many more years.  Now, 2 millienia.  Two, we have the multiplier effect of so many more people.  How many billions of believers have there been over the years.

We realize that these greater works are not a matter of individual efforts.  We are the body of Christ.  All of our spiritual gifts are added together to do greater things for Christ, in His name.

There is that intriguing language, about asking for anything in Jesus' name, and Him granting it.  What does it mean to pray in Jesus' name?  We had that question last Sunday evening in our Disciple Bible Study class. Is it like magic?  If we just say the right words, Jesus makes it happen?  Is it manipulation?  We just know the right formula to get Jesus to act?

Our Disciple Bible study came to the conclusion that to pray in Jesus' name meant to pray like He prayed, to pray for the things He prayed for, to pray with Jesus what He is still praying for today.  We get so in tune with Jesus that His prayers are answered through us.

We continue to pray that our God will be honored, that God's reign will be recognized, that human needs will be met, that sins will be forgiven, and  that we will be saved in times of trial.

Our greater works are not to draw attention to ourselves, but that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Is there still plenty of work to be done?  Are people still hungry?  Are there still hurts in the world?  Is there still injustice?  Is there still sickness?  Is there still loneliness?

Great things are still to be done.

I was at a wedding yesterday involving folks from this congregation.  After the wedding, I asked the bride and groom what were their plans for today.   I fully expected to hear about their honeymoon.  They said, "it's Interfaith Hospitality Network at our church.  We are going to be helping those homeless families move into our church for temporary housing."  I found that to be very encouraging.

Greater things are still to be done.

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