Thursday, October 21, 2010

telling our story

10/21/10 I know this...I know this...I know this....sometimes I remember to practice this: people don't give to budgets; they give to visions. So when I get it right, I tell stories of how Christ is changing lives. Our bottom line is changed lives, not dollars and cents.

So this week in staff meeting, I heard the story of one life changed from Susan, our handbell choirs director. There is a young man named Tim who is fascinated with the handbells. He has been after Susan to let him play. Tim is brilliant and passionate, but he has some motor skill problems. He can do American Sign Language and use the computer, but he has a hard time speaking.

Susan had him come to practice. She gave him one chime to ring. He cannot use his left hand as well as his right one, so he will play one note with his right hand. This Sunday at the 11:15 a.m. service, Tim will join with others in playing "Jesus Loves Me." And Jesus does love Tim, and Susan who lets Tim play, and all of God's children.

That's why people give. It is because of stories like that. Lives are changed in the church because Jesus loves us.


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