Thursday, May 26, 2011

it's great to be a pastor

5/26/11 I have been an ordained pastor in the United Methodist Church for almost 33 years now. Sometimes I can get tired, jaded, and cynical. Sometimes, like the last few day, I think it's great to be a pastor. For example, on Tuesday night, we had a long ( more than 2 hours) church council meeting, but there was good energy throughout. We spent an hour hearing about, planning for, and giving affirmation to starting a new worship setting in the fall. It will be called the Point and be run by my associate Jim. Then last night, I had 3 people come to my Methodist 101 class. They were engaged, interested, and eager. I fed off their energy. Then today, I am headed over to College Station to perform a marriage of a young woman, whom I remember as a girl in Confirmation Class, SUnday School, youth group, etc. She has met a young man, and they have asked me to perform their marriage. There are other things in the background where people are stepping up to take leadership, practicing good communication, and embracing new causes. In short, it's great to be a pastor.


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