Wednesday, February 2, 2011

rolling blackouts

2/2/11 This morning I was intending to wait until the sun came up, go walking, then lift weights, shower, and go into work a bit later to avoid the traffic. As I came downstairs about 6 a.m., all of the power went off in the house. I looked around at our neighbors' houses, and they were dark as well. Cathy and I had some breakfast. Cold cereal and milk. the home security system was beeping every few seconds in an annoying way. I got to thinking that the garage doors openers were were we going to get the vehicles out? I remembered there were manual openers in case of emergency. I got the doors open that way, and Cathy backed out the vehicles. Just then the power came back on. I started to go back to my original plan of waiting and going into work after the traffic cleared. Then the power went off. So I headed off to the mall again to walk there. It is about 19 degrees with a windchill down near zero. Enroute to the mall, the lights were working, except when I got to Ben White, a major road. Just as I was pulling up, the traffic lights went out. We drivers played chicken at each intersection. I got to the mall without incident. I did my walk and light weights while I walked.

It struck me with the loss of power that we were not very far removed from those who barely survive. Very quickly things got down to basics of food, warmth, safety. We are all vulverable. I wish for you a day without rolling blackouts.


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