Thursday, May 21, 2009

In the 17th chapter of John, Jesus says, "I am praying for you." One, prayer is listening for what Jesus is praying. I know that this is different from what most of us learned about prayer. We usually began praying by asking God for something, "God bless mama, and daddy, and brother..." Several years ago at Boston College, I learned that prayer can be growing quiet and opening oneself up to hear what Jesus was praying. We would bring a person into His presence and hold that person there and wait to hear what Jesus might be praying for that person. The same with a situation; we would simple bring it to Jesus and be still until we heard what Jesus might be praying.
Two, I am sure of the Greek here, and that Jesus is saying, "I am praying for you all." Or as we say in Texas, "I am praying for y'all." How wonderful, that part of what Jesus is praying that we learn to become community. In fact, this whole 17th chapter is Jesus' prayer we would become one as He and His Father are one. May it be so.

Pastor Lynn

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