Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Who's counting

I was at Brackenridge Hospital this morning about 6 a.m. Lizzie was having surgery....again. I asked Lizzie and her mom if they had kept count. "Yes," they replied, "this is the 25th. Of course that doen't count al of the MRI's, x-rays, other tests and procedures. That's just the surgeries where Lizzie has been under anasthesia."
Wow! Can you imagine 25 surgeries in the past 3 years or so? How does one do it?
I prayed with Lizzie and her mom. I let her know that she "counted", that she mattered to me and to God.

Pastor Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being with us that day, and for all the countless other days you have been there for us, either in person or in prayer. We are ever appreciative.
