Wednesday, January 27, 2010

happiness is

1/27/10 Last night we showed the film, Happiness Is, in our sanctuary. I didn't know that anyone would come out on a Tuesday night in the bleak mid-winter, but about 100 people did. Those who did got to see a moving documentary about the nature of happiness. I remember one language scholar remind us that happiness comes from the root word "hap", which has to do with luck or chance, as in happenstance. So in one regard, even though we pursue happiness, its coming to us is somewhat a gift. Another person, a "reverent agnostic," had to admit that persons who practiced their faith, praying and gathering for community, were "happier" than those who didn't. People struggled with the fact that having more stuff or more money did not necessarily mean more happiness. A rabbi said that we had to get ourselves out of the way. Happiness comes from having a reference outside of ourselves, like God. Alan Graham, who started Mobil Loaves and Fishes, had a significant role in the film. He had a great line for those who had a problem with organized religion. He said, "What do you want? Disorganized Religion?" He finds happiness in dealing with the poor and hungry.....kind of like Jesus did.



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