Monday, January 4, 2010

home by another way

from my epiphany sermon on 1/3/10 from matthew 2:1-12

Where's home for you? Home is such a rich word with so many meanings.

If you are traveling overseas, and someone asks you where you are from, don't say you are from the USA. If you do, you will only be another American. It is much better to say you are from TEXAS. When you do that, people will receive you warmly with "Do you have a horse? Do you have an oil well? Do you have a six shooter?"

Home can mean your home country. The magi, the wise men, were from back East, in what was called Persia in those days. We would say Iraq today. It is interesting to note that Matthew, this most Jewish of Gospels has the first witnesses to the Christ be foreigners, Gentiles, outsiders.

We have hometowns. Mine is Littlefield, Tx. Jesus is born in Bethlehem. O little town of Bethlehem. It is funny that the magi go to Jerusalem, to the Capital City, the seat of government and religion and commerce, and that the Messiah is born 9 miles down the road in the sticks. The religious scholars dust off the old texts to find the passage from Micah 5:2 to find the reference to the rural area.

Of course, Jesus is found in Bethlehem, because he is from the house of David. House can also mean our family, our lineage. David ws the shepherd king. The Messiah is to shepherd his people.

Then we have our actual houses, apartments, condos or dorm rooms. We have a physical address. Note in Matthew that the wise men enter the house, not a stable. Scholars say it may have been up to 2 years after the birth of Jesus that they arrive. There is no dialogue. They enter the house and find they are at home. They bow down, they worship the Christ, they offer their gifts. They are at home. Home is a not a place; it is a person.

I firmly believe that God is working to bring all of God's children home. Here God leads with a star. Later God sends the magi home by another way through a dream. As you read the Bible, read it as God's attempts to find a way to bring us home. Creation, covenant people, exodus, judges, prophets, rulers--all ways God is employing to get us home. In the New Testament, Jesus the Christ is the epitome of God's desire to welcome us home. Jesus eats with the tax collectors and sinners. He tells a story of a prodigal who loses everything he has, and comes to himself, and returns home.

Maybe you are looking for a home today. You are not here on Christmas Eve. You are here on the first Sunday of the year. Maybe you made a New Year's resolution. Maybe you are looking for a church home. Maybe you are looking for the Christ. As much as you are looking for Christ; Christ is looking for come home.

I will sing it for you...."Softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me...
Come home...Come who are weary come home....

The good news I have to share today is that God will find a way for you to come home. Come home.

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