Tuesday, August 17, 2010

going home

8/17/10 Yesterday was a good day. It was the day that Igor Petresky got to go home. He had been in the hospital since May 26, at which time he had suffered a spinal cord injury after diving into a swimming pool. He had been at Brackenridge for about a month, first in ICU, then in intermediate care. For the last bit, he has been at St. David's rehab. Our congregation has adopted him and his family who are from Macedonia. That adoption process and the number of coincindences (God incidents) I have written and preached about previously. Our church and others have worked hard to find the Petresky family an apartment near St. Edwards University. We found beds, towels, a couch, a TV, kitchen wares, and everything to make the apartment a home. So yesterday, when Igor got out of the hospital, where was the first place he went? He came to our sanctuary, to God's home. How many 20 year olds do you know who would make that their first stop after 2 3/4 months in the hospital? He sat in his wheelchair in front of the altar in silence for several minutes, thanking God. We then gathered around him in prayer also thanking God, for bringing Igor home.


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