Wednesday, November 10, 2010

thank you

11/10/10 This coming Sunday I get to perform a baptism of an adult. Her name is Sonja. She grew up in the former Yugoslavia where Tito ruled as dictator. Her father was a military man, and in that communist regime, his family could not be associated with the church or the Christian faith. So Sonja was never baptized.

Sonja's son Igor is the young man from Macedonia (one of the seven countries carved out of the former Yugoslavia), who was injured in a diving accident. Our congregation has adopted the whole Petreski family as Igor has gone through surgeries, ICU, rehab, and now outpatient care.

For months, Sonja has been asking me about baptism. Last Sunday she attended our baptism workshop. On Monday, I got to do a follow-up visit with her. I asked her why, now, at this point, did she want to be baptized. She said, with tears in her eyes, that she wanted to say thank you to God.


1 comment:

  1. Yea! Looking forward to this celebration in the faith lives of all 3 Petreskis! Thank you for the loving connection for them and all.
    Shalom Rav,
    Mary Lou
